Extend the Life of Your Compressed Air Equipment
Maintaining Equipment Reliability
Performing regularly scheduled preventative maintenance (PM) services on the components of your compressed air system is vital to ensuring your system performs at its optimum, keeping warranties in effect, maintaining equipment reliability, and producing the greatest return on your investment over the long run. Neglecting routine PM services increases your risk of costly breakdowns and shortens the life expectancy of your compressed air equipment.
To help our customers stay on top of their PM requirements, Pinnacle Industries Ltd. has developed a proprietary database system that tracks all maintenance and repair services we perform on your compressed air equipment and projects PM dates based upon periodic hour readings and/or dates of the last service and manufacturers’ recommended PM schedules. As the date of your service nears, we will call you to confirm that you are ready to have the PM services performed. We will then assure that the required parts are on hand and call you again to schedule a date for the service. Our customers never have to worry about remembering to have their systems serviced. We take care of that for you.
Another important aspect of our preventative maintenance services in our free oil analysis program. We will sample the oil every 1,000 hours of run time and send it to a laboratory for spectrographic analysis. Spectrographic analysis will confirm whether your oil is suitable for continued use, detect signs of unusual internal wear, and help maintain some warranties. We offer this service free for all customers.
Our in-house service personnel back our field service technicians. We are ready to serve you. Contact our service department at (713) 740-4300 or e-mail service@pinnind.com.