Experienced Service Technicians
Blower Rebuilds and Blower Repairs in the Houston Area
If you are looking for a positive displacement or centrifugal blower rebuild in the Houston, Texas area, look no further than Pinnacle Industries. We specialize in repairs and rebuilds of major brand PD blowers including Gardner Denver, Roots, and Tuthill.
Heavy use and mechanical failures can bring your system to a halt, but trust Pinnacle Industries for reliable service. Our experienced service technicians will examine your blower to determine the cause of any malfunction, order parts, and either perform the repairs on-site or in our shop, as most appropriate for the circumstances.
If your positive displacement or centrifugal blower needs overhauling, Pinnacle Industries will quote you the cost and time required to complete a standard overhaul, with the understanding that during disassembly of the blower there may be other internal parts that require replacement, too. With your best interests in mind, we will keep you apprised of the situation and ask you to approve any additional recommended repairs.
Pinnacle Industries has the sophisticated equipment needed to insure a quality blower repair or rebuild in the Houston area. We service units with tools and methods exclusive to Pinnacle Industries, providing quick turnaround and prolonged blower life.
We are ready to serve you. Contact our service department at (713) 740-4300 or e-mail service@pinnind.com.